AI Diffusionで実践的なAIイラスト生成 その1(YouTube連動記事) Practical AI illustration generation with Krita AI Diffusion 1

Stable Diffusion

KritaのStable Diffusionの拡張機能で、アニメイラスト系モデルAnimagineXLを用いたAIイラストの作成方法の実例を紹介する実践講座の第1弾です。

This is the first installment of a practical course introducing how to create AI illustrations using the AnimagineXL anime illustration model with the Stable Diffusion extension in Krita.



Kritaのセットアップ Krita’s StableDiffusion plugin Setup

KritaのStableDiffusionプラグイン環境構築方法解説動画 (Krita’s StableDiffusion plugin environment building instructional YouTube Video)

Krita Official Web


モデルのダウンロード先 Model Download

AnimagineXL (Hugging Face)

AnimagineXL v3 (Civitai)(Down Load)


リアル桃太郎 Real Momo-Taro

背景 Back ground

Imagine a bustling steam-powered metropolis where Victorian architecture meets futuristic technology. The air is filled with the hissing of steam and the clanking of gears. In the foreground, cobblestone streets are lined with ornate lamp posts emitting a soft, warm glow, contrasting the cool, misty atmosphere. The skyline is a marvel of engineering, featuring towering buildings with brass and copper detailing, large, spinning cogwheels, and intricate pipework visible against the backdrop of a dusky sky. Pedestrians in period attire adorned with mechanical gadgets navigate the streets, while steam-powered automobiles and dirigibles move above. Every corner of the city is alive with the energy of steam and the promise of adventure. This scene should capture the essence of a steam-powered world where the past and future coalesce, depicted in the vibrant and meticulous style of anime.

桃太郎 Samurai

1man, standing, looking at viewer, (holding japanese sword:1.4),
dressed in traditional Japanese attire, featuring a hakama, happi coat adorned with peach motifs symbolizing his miraculous birth from a peach. His hair is neatly tied in a topknot, reflecting the style of a bygone era

キジ pheasant

robot pheasant flying in the sky, detailed mechanical skeleton, composed of screws, springs, and gears

サル Monkey

giant monkey, standing, muscle, looking at viewer, (wearing armor, chest armor:1.3), highly detail, colorful, realistic illustration

犬 Dog

dog, bulldog with fangs, realistic illustration, full body

Whole image

Imagine a bustling steam-powered metropolis where Victorian architecture meets futuristic technology, highly detail, colorful, realistic illustration,
male, standing, japanese samurai style, hachimaki headband, Japanese sword,
dog, bulldog with fangs, realistic illustration, full body,
giant monkey, standing, muscle, looking at viewer, (wearing armor, chest armor:1.3), 
robot pheasant flying in the sky, detailed mechanical skeleton, composed of screws, springs, and gears

ファンタジー金沢駅前 Fantasy Kanazawa Sta.

背景 Back ground

illustration, fantasy, (pop color:1.3), (day, sun shine:1.3), (pastel color:1.5), town, boldline, anime, (colorful:1.3),
A bustling fantasy town nestled in a vast valley, with cobblestone streets winding through a vibrant marketplace. The air is filled with the scent of exotic spices and the sound of merchants haggling. Towering above, ancient, ivy-covered stone buildings and colorful, half-timbered houses line the streets, their windows glowing with warm light. In the distance, a grand castle sits atop a hill, overlooking the town with its majestic spires reaching towards the sky. The town is surrounded by lush forests and a sparkling river that meanders through, with quaint stone bridges crossing over. Magical creatures of all kinds roam the streets and alleys, mingling with the townsfolk. Lanterns and magical orbs light up the night, casting a soft glow on the cobblestones, and in the marketplace, a fountain enchanted with glowing runes serves as a popular meeting spot for adventurers and locals alike

女の子 Girl

1girl, cute face, cat ear, looking at veiwer, upper body, embressed, illustration, fantasy
